Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Facebook breaks their RSS feeds

Without warning today Facebook broke all their RSS feeds. If, like me, you rely on your favourite RSS reader to keep up with your entire life, this is a major tragedy.

It all started when I received this on my Facebook friends status feed today.
Facebook Syndication Error
This feed URL is no longer valid. Visit this page to find the new URL, if you have access:
I got similar errors from my Notifications and Posts/Links feeds. Each of them pointed me to a place to find the new URL that were completely useless. Bless them...

I did some hunting around and it seems that all that's happened is that Facebook has changed their authentication keys from a numeric to a longer alphanumeric. The RSS URLs are all unchanged other than that.

To find your new authentication key you can follow these instructions to get the Notification or Links RSS URLs within Facebook.
  • Notifications: Go to and you'll find a new link at the top of the page.
  • Links: Go to and you'll find an RSS to My Friends' Links in the left column.
The new News Feed/Status link is nowhere to be found on the Facebook web site as far as I can see. However I did manage to use the hints from the first 2 to fix the last one. You just need to change the authkey in your feed URL to get a new URL that works.

Are you missing other RSS feeds after this change? If so, let me know!